To submit a Winter Feeder Count,
please use the special Winter Feeder
Count form.
This form can be used to report any birds seen in
Sullivan County or
nearby, but the most useful reports will include one of the following:
- Unusual or especially interesting birds (such as Eastern Whip-poor-will,
BlackVulture, or any accidental species)
- Unusually high numbers
as 12
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at feeders, or a group of 25 Eastern
Bluebirds or
a flock of 300 Brant)
- Birds at an unusual time of year (such
as a Barn
Swallow or a Ruby-throated Hummingbird in October).
Please look at our
checklist (available on our website) if you are not sure about
the status of
your birds.
may submit as many forms as needed. All
fields are required for each species except Comments.
Use the tab key to move easily from one field to the next.