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To join with a check through the mail, print this page, fill out the form,
and send it with your check to the address listed below.

Or you can join online today or renew your membership today
with our secure online membership form.


Sullivan County Audubon Society
Membership Application

Yes, I'd like to join. Please enroll me as a member of Sullivan County Audubon Society and send Warblings, the newsletter, to the address below. I enclose a check payable to the Sullivan County Audubon Society for

one year $15 $30 Supporting $10 Student
two years $25 $50 Supporting  
ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________
TOWN:____________________________ STATE:______ ZIP:____________

Send this application and your check to:

Sullivan County Audubon Society
P.O. Box 30
Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759

Information on National Audubon Society Membership
provided upon request.