Here we go again! Sullivan County Audubon
is known as one of the more active bird clubs statewide. We
are admired as a fun-loving, competitive group, always dreaming
up some kind of race to keep us out there on the edge.
In 2005 we added another chapter to our book entitled Township
Birding. Your goal is to find as many
species of birds in as many townships as you dare to cover.
Example: if you find an American Robin in Mamakating,
you also need to find one in Thompson, and one in Tusten,
etc. There are 15 townships in Sullivan County to
choose from, whether it is the one you work in, the one
you live in, or the one you visit the most. Choose
one or all, there’s something for everyone in all
of them.
Awards will be given at the end of the year to each person
with the highest numbers in each of the 15 townships and
for the highest collective total of species in all 15 townships.
So come on out and join the fun. I have county maps
showing all the townships and I have checklists of birds for
Sullivan County. If you find a bird not listed on our
checklist, you must call someone else to help verify this
record. If you need more information, please call me
at the number listed in Warblings any evening. Get
out there and good luck!
— Renee
“Township birding” was a year-long effort in 2008 to see how many
different kinds of birds could be found in each of the 15 townships in Sullivan
County. John Haas and Arlene Borko spent more time than anyone else working on
it, and they ended the year in a tie for number of towns they led, each finding
the highest number in six towns. They each found the same numbers of species
in Highland and Cochecton, and Renee Davis had the most in her home Town of Callicoon.
Valerie Freer also participated with smaller numbers in 4 towns.
However, John and Arlene worked on a “big year” in
the County at the same time. John found 221 different kinds,
tying his 2007 big year record for the County, and Arlene
found 216 kinds, a second place record. Congratulations to
We had done this before in 2005, so we had a target number
in each town based on that experience. We assumed that many
of those numbers might be exceeded this time, but we were
wrong. In spite of the remarkable effort by Arlene Borko
and John Haas, only four towns showed increases from 2005
to 2008: Mamakating by 28 kinds, Neversink by 9, Lumberland
by 8 and Fallsburg by 2. The other eleven towns showed
decreases, led by Liberty which decreased by 25 species,
and Rockland which decreased by 20.
The decreases are likely due to the steep rise in gas prices
in 2008 leading to fewer participants in the project and
probably to fewer trips by those who did participate. Another
factor contributing to lower numbers was the lack of shorebird
habitat at Swinging Bridge Reservoir.
As in 2005, Mamakating had the greatest diversity of birds
of all Sullivan County Towns. John found 204 kinds there,
and Arlene was not far behind with 195. This remarkable variety
of birds can be attributed primarily to the Bashakill but
also to the variety of other habitats within the Town. The
hawks migrating along the Shawangunk mountain, the fields
and shrubs along McDonald Road and the Canal towpath, the
higher elevations of Gumaer Falls Road, and the airport habitats
all contribute to the wonderful avian diversity in Mamakating.
— Valerie
This year-long contest revealed the perseverance and willingness
to travel by our local birders. Many more started the contest
than finished it. Four fanatic birders submitted a birdlist
for each of the 15 Towns (AB, RD, VF, JH) and Russell Scheirer
kept records of birds in nine Towns. (Several others kept
a list for only one or two Towns, which was a perfectly reasonable
thing to do.)
The number of kinds of birds to be found anywhere depends
upon the variety of habitats present, a concept well illustrated
with the 2005 Township Birding contest. Towns having the most
varied habitats yielded the most birds, and it was tough to
find as many in the Towns that are mostly forested.
The top Township for finding a rich variety of birds in
Sullivan County, is by far, the Town of Mamakating. The famous
Bashakill WMA is found there, of course, but so is the D &
H Canal Towpath between Hornbeck's Basin and McDonald Road,
another outstanding birding location; and the Summitville
Hawkwatch as well. Add to that the rest of the towpath, the
Wurtsboro and airport fields, the wet area at Phillipsport,
and the steep forested slopes of Gumaer Falls Rd and Pine
Kill Rd, and you have some very fine birding indeed. Three
birders each found over 150 kinds of birds in Mamakating in
2005, led by John Haas with 176 species, the top number for
this contest.
The Town of Thompson ranked second, with a high count of
154 species also by John Haas. It has fine birding in several
locations: the landfill for up to 6 kinds of gulls, Kiamesha
Lake and other lakes for waterfowl, and (this year) the temporary
mudflats of Swinging Bridge Reservoir for a dozen or so kinds
of shorebirds. Thompson also includes portions of the Neversink
River, scattered dense woodlands, some open fields, and much
mixed rural and village habitat.
The next four Towns were very close in the number of species
found over the year: Liberty edged out Bethel, and Neversink
and Fallsburg were not far behind. Each one has a variety
of accessible habitats (though not as much variety as the
top towns), and each received a substantial amount of birding
effort in 2005.
Over 100 kinds of birds were found by each of the top three
birders (AB, JH, RD) in each of the top six towns. However,
it was much harder to find 100 species of birds in the remaining
towns. (For example, Arlene Borko and John Haas each found
over 100 in Forestburgh, but Renee Davis was the only birder
to break the 100 species level in both Callicoon and Rockland.)
No one found over 100 species in Tusten, Lumberland, Highland,
Fremont, Delaware, or Cochecton.
The towns that had the smallest lists of birds (Fremont, Lumberland,
Cochecton, and Highland) have the least variety of habitat
(or habitat that is accessible). Woodland birds are common
enough, but marsh birds, shorebirds, and birds of fields and
farms are hard or impossible to find. It may well be that
a birder who could spend more time in those townships would
be more successful, but that remains to be determined.
The following list ranks the 15 Towns of Sullivan County
according to the highest number of species found there in
2005 by one of the top three participants:
1. Mamakating
2. Thompson
3. Liberty
4. Bethel
5. Fallsburg
6. Neversink
7. Forestburgh
8. Rockland |
176 sp (JH)
154 sp (JH)
135 sp (RD)
129 sp (JH)
126 sp (AB)
124 sp (JH)
112 sp (JH)
106 sp (RD) |
9. Callicoon
10. Delaware
11. Tusten
12. Fremont
13. Lumberland
14. Cochecton
15. Highland |
103 sp (RD)
98 sp (RD)
92 sp (AB)
87 sp (RD)
83 sp (AB)
81 sp (AB)
80 sp (AB) |
Key to observers: AB - Arlene
Borko; RD - Renee Davis; JH - John Haas Others
who completed the contest: Russell Scheirer,
Valerie Freer |
When the number of species found in each of the 15 Towns
was totaled, Arlene Borko had the highest Grand Total of 1594,
demonstrating remarkable energy and persistence.
Among the many benefits of this contest, three new species
were found in the county (Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Sanderling,
and Stilt Sandpiper), bringing the total number of species
ever documented in Sullivan County to 283.
The challenge is hereby thrown out. If you can find more
species in any one of these Towns over the course of a year,
keep a careful list (including dates) and send it to
Valerie Freer